
How To Add My Pc To Desktop Windows 10


During the reign of Windows 7, When we install Windows vii on our PC, information technology creates "My Computer" Shortcut icon on Windows x Desktop automatically. Simply in the latest Version of Windows eight or 10, we accept to create this "My Reckoner" Shortcut icon on Windows 10 Desktop manually. Today, we will learn nearly How to make "My Computer" Shortcut icon on Windows 10 Desktop.

On the other hand, We take to apply "File Explorer" instead of "My Computer" or "This PC". Moreover, Sometimes taskbar disappears and difficult for Windows 7 or viii users to open the My Computer. Therefore, nosotros need to make "My Calculator" Shortcut icon on Windows 10 Desktop.

Make "My Computer" Shortcut icon on Windows 10 Desktop

For Recycle Bin, My Documents, Control Panel Icons on Desktop, we demand to do some extra steps.

  • Correct-Click on Desktop.
  • Select Personalize.
  • From the left side, Choose Themes.
  • Click on Desktop Icon Settings.
  • Check on Checkboxes that you want to brand Shortcut on Desktop.
  • Click Ok to save Changes.

make "My Computer" Shortcut icon on Windows 10 Desktop

Annotation: Remember that you can also rename the binder icon from "My Computer" to "This PC".

Another mode to Create This PC Shortcut in Windows 10

The another style to make "My Reckoner" Shortcut icon on Windows 10 Desktop is besides simple. There are two steps to follow:

Step-1 Become to your Desktop and Create My Estimator Shortcut Icon

  • Correct-Click on the empty Area of your Desktop equally shown in the above prototype.
  • Become to New in drop Downwards >  Click on Shortcut.

make "My Computer" Shortcut icon on Windows 10 Desktop

In the New Window, you lot have to write Commands. There are three dissimilar Commands but all works like same. Put any Command in the New Windows and Click on Adjacent.

  1. %windir%\explorer.exe "
  2. %WinDir%\explorer.exe /east,::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d}
  3. explorer.exe shell:::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}

Put anyone command in the Shortcut Windows and Click on Next. Furthermore, the Shortcut will create on your Desktop.

make "My Computer" Shortcut icon on Windows 10 Desktop

  • Rename the Shortcut Icon to "My Estimator" or "This PC".

Step-2 Change the Folder Icon Colour of My Estimator or This PC

Now the Shortcut Icon of My Computer or This PC is not looking good. Therefore, we demand to alter the Folder icon color in Windows 10 of My Estimator Icon. For this,

  • Right-Click on the Shortcut Icon Folder "This PC".
  • Open the Properties.
  • Click on the "Alter Icon".
  • Select the Icon of Your Own Pick.
  • Click Ok to save Changes.

How to make My Computer Shortcut icon on Windows 10 Desktop

Furthermore, we recommend to Change the binder color or make Pic every bit an Icon of your ain Choice.

Recommended: How to alter folder icons colors in Windows 7/eight/10?

Also, sentry the Video to change the Folder Color that you brand "My Reckoner" Shortcut icon on Windows ten Desktop.

Brandish the "My Figurer" Icon on the Desktop in Windows 10 Using Drag and Drop

Elevate and Drop are the some other way to create My Estimator Icon on the Desktop in Windows 10. First of all, Open the File Explorer, from the left side. You have to drag the "This PC" and drib it to the Desktop.

At last, What is the Conclusion most "My Figurer" Desktop Icon?

To make "This PC" shortcut on Windows 10 Desktop, information technology is like shooting fish in a barrel to excess the files and folders in Windows. Moreover, y'all tin can access the local drives through This PC shortcut on Windows 10 Desktop.


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